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Are You Avoiding The Dentist Due To Lack Of Insurance?

December 18, 2015

Filed under: Blog,Insurance — tntadmin @ 9:34 pm

Are you avoiding the dentist due to lack of insurance?

A study from the Institute of Medicine shows that people who who do not have dental insurance are two thirds less likely to have visited a dentist in the last year than those who have dental insurance. This same study shows that most people are aware that oral health is closely related to overall health. After all, among other things, gum disease has a direct link to heart disease. So why do so many avoid going to the dentist?

Turns out cost is the most commonly cited reason for those that do not have dental insurance. An interesting statistic is that there is a direct correlation between length of time between dental visits and amount spent on dental care. That is, the less you go, the more it ends up costing. Of those people who desired to keep their teeth, the costs were less frequent. However, when they did come in, the costs were significantly higher. Turns out they were being seen less often but by the time they did go in due to pain or infection, the treatment was much more intensive, and costly.

Some dental offices across the country have found a solution to this all too common problem. They have taken matters into their own hands and decided to administer a private plan. This plan often times has a yearly or monthly rate that is less than corporate insurance plans. In addition most do not have waitig periods, yearly maximums, or other red tape that gets in between the doctor and patient relationship.

Not having to deal with an insurance company can actually be quite beneficial to a patient’s health. For one, there are no waiting periods. There have been many instances where an insurance company directed a patient to wait in order to treat their infection allowing it to go from bad to worse. Additionally, since everything is covered, treatment decisions can be made by the patient and the doctor without an insurance company choosing treatment without having any knowledge of the specific case. Finally, there are no financial surprises and a plan can be created that is clear and specific.

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