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Wisdom Teeth 101 – Facts From Your Dentist In Waverly

June 6, 2017

Filed under: Blog — tntadmin @ 12:54 pm

Wisdom teeth often cause more problems than they solve, but your dentist in Waverly can help. Did you know that 85% of people have their wisdom teeth extracted? With a number like this and considering that third molars generally create more dental issues than they every solve, it’s easy to ask why these teeth are referred to as wise. In this post, the team at Amberly Dental, your trusted dentist in Waverly, explains the logic of these dentitions and how they can help with them. Take this quick course on Wisdom Teeth 101 and learn more about the pearly whites that reside far back in your mouth.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Dr. Timothy Vacek teaches his patients that wisdom teeth, or third molars, are the last teeth to erupt and generally come in between the ages of 17-25. These teeth used to serve a purpose during our ancient ancestors’ lifetimes when food was much more course and fibrous than it is now. Since our diets have changed over the years, these dentitions are now comparable to the appendix in your digestive system.

Why Are Wisdom Teeth Problematic?

Just like our diets have changed, the size of the human jaw has also adapted throughout the course of time. Most people simply don’t have enough room in their mouths to accommodate this extra set of molars and, oftentimes, wisdom teeth come in crooked, twisted, or erupt in the wrong place, which can damage the rest of your existing pearly whites. When this happens, or when they don’t burst through the gums all the way, they become impacted and definitely need to be removed.

What Are The Symptoms Of Erupting Wisdom Teeth?

If you or your child are in the age range of 17-25 years old, be on the lookout for the following signs and symptoms that indicate the eruption of wisdom teeth:

  • red, inflamed gums in the back of the mouth
  • swelling and pain in the mouth or face
  • swollen or sore lymph glands under the jaw
  • trouble or discomfort opening your mouth
  • pain or difficulty chewing or swallowing
  • fever
  • pus that comes from the gums in the area of wisdom teeth

What Extraction Options Are There?

If wisdom teeth erupt in their proper spots and come in completely through the gum, a simple extraction can be performed. In this procedure, Dr. Vacek will numb the area completely to keep you comfortable during the entire procedure. Although the idea of having your wisdom teeth removed may seem painful, taking these out will actually relieve the pressure and discomfort – ending the pain.

With impacted wisdom teeth, the situation can become trickier in general. Depending on your circumstances, you may need oral surgery to remove your third molars and we’ll be happy to provide referrals to some of the most trustworthy, gentle, and compassionate oral surgeons in the area.

If you have questions about wisdom teeth, give Amberly Dental a call today or schedule an appointment – we’re here to help and would love to give you the wisest solution to treat your third molars!




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