Cosmetic dentistry is a popular service now sought by people from all walks of life. There is an array of cosmetic procedures that can be used to drastically enhance the appearance and function of the teeth and gums. Often, people come to our office to have cosmetic flaws hidden using porcelain crowns, while others choose to replace their missing teeth with dental implants in Waverly. No matter the factors hurting the appearance of your smile, we offer the services needed to repair the flaws to allow you to smile confidently.
Amberly Dental Blog
Get a Beautiful Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry and Dental Implants in Waverly
September 14, 2016
Get Same Day Crowns in Waverly with Amberly Dental
August 31, 2016
Treating cracked or severely decayed teeth just got easier with same-day dental crowns. With the use of CEREC technology, you can undergo your entire restoration process with same day crowns in Waverly. At Amberly Dental, Dr. Vacek can treat your damaged tooth in one day, eliminating the need for multiple appointments or temporary crowns. You will receive the high-quality restoration you need to restore the health and function of your tooth in one appointment.
One More Reason to Consider Dental Implants in Waverly NE
July 20, 2016
Are you considering dental implants in Waverly NE for your upcoming tooth replacement? If so, we’ve got a great reason to go for it. Dr. Timothy Vacek at Amberly Dental performs the entire procedure, from the implantation to the restoration of dental implants, all under one roof. Because there’s no need to shuffle between an oral surgeon and your implant dentist to enjoy the benefits of a complete smile.
Why Do I have Bad Breath?
May 30, 2016
Everyone has bad breath from time to time, but if you find yourself with bad breath more often than not, it could be a sign of an underlying oral health problem. Chronic bad breath is known as Halitosis, which occurs in about 75 percent of patients with bad breath. Most often, bad breath is caused from sinus infections, severe gum disease, or gastric complications. In order to treat bad breath, the underlying cause must first be identified, and that will require a visit to your local dentist. We provide treatment for bad breath in Waverly NE by identifying the underlying cause to provide the appropriate treatment.
To Treat Gum Disease, Waverly, NE, Relies on Amberly Dental
April 30, 2016
Just as your home needs a solid foundation, so does your smile. Your teeth are supported by an infrastructure of gum tissue and bone. These need to be healthy in order for you to have a smile that is both strong and beautiful. Unfortunately, your gums and the underlying bone structure can be threatened by gum disease, a chronic bacterial infection that initiates an inflammatory response that can be destructive. To treat gum disease, Waverly, NE, comes to Dr. Vacek and the staff at Amberly Dental for scaling and root planing.
Dental Implants For Waverly, NE Residents
March 18, 2016
When you lose one or more of your teeth, the affects can be devastating. Biting, chewing and eating food becomes challenging, which can affect your nutrition and health. A missing tooth can affect the appearance of your smile and sometimes even the way you speak, causing you to feel self-conscious or embarrassed about your smile. Dr. Timothy Vacek offers dental implants for Waverly, NE residents to help restore form and function to their smiles. Dental implants are by far the best option available to replace a missing tooth, and here are a few reasons why.
Proper Tooth Brushing Techniques from Your Dentist in Waverly, NE
February 18, 2016
Over the past several decades, a significant shift has occurred in the dental field. The focus of the field has moved from treating dental health concerns to preventing oral health issues. The advances in preventive dentistry, better and more affordable home care instruments, and more insurance providers covering preventive care 100%, allows more people than ever to retain healthy, natural smiles for life. At Amberly Dental in Waverley, we love having the opportunity to care for our patients at routine exams and cleanings, but typically, we only see your smile twice a year. That means that the most important preventive dentistry happens at home with daily brushing and flossing. Following a few basic tips or making minor changes to your brushing technique may significantly improve your oral health. (more…)
We can’t wait to show you our new office!
January 8, 2016
We’ve got some good news, just in time for the new year. As convenient as it is having a Subway sandwich shop right next door, Amberly Dental is ready to move on to bigger and better places. As your e’ve already helped so many people in our community achieve excellent oral health, but we know we could do a lot more in a bigger office — and that’s why we’re busy constructing a new, state-of-the-art practice here in Waverly. We expect to make the move in July of this year, and we can’t wait for you to see it!
Your Smile Can Benefit From Our $25 Advantage Plan!
December 30, 2015
Last month, we talked to you about how not having dental insurance can affect your oral health. (Read that blog in a new window here.) With that fresh on our minds, we thought it would be a good time to share the good news about our Advantage Plan — the better-than-insurance option that provides patients like you with preventive care for just $25 a month. That’s right, you can receive excellent dental care from your dentist in Waverly, NE without spending a small fortune. We think that’s news just about anybody can get excited about. Keep reading to learn more, right in time for the New Year!
(more…)Are You Avoiding The Dentist Due To Lack Of Insurance?
December 18, 2015
Are you avoiding the dentist due to lack of insurance?
A study from the Institute of Medicine shows that people who who do not have dental insurance are two thirds less likely to have visited a dentist in the last year than those who have dental insurance. This same study shows that most people are aware that oral health is closely related to overall health. After all, among other things, gum disease has a direct link to heart disease. So why do so many avoid going to the dentist?
Turns out cost is the most commonly cited reason for those that do not have dental insurance. An interesting statistic is that there is a direct correlation between length of time between dental visits and amount spent on dental care. That is, the less you go, the more it ends up costing. Of those people who desired to keep their teeth, the costs were less frequent. However, when they did come in, the costs were significantly higher. Turns out they were being seen less often but by the time they did go in due to pain or infection, the treatment was much more intensive, and costly.
Some dental offices across the country have found a solution to this all too common problem. They have taken matters into their own hands and decided to administer a private plan. This plan often times has a yearly or monthly rate that is less than corporate insurance plans. In addition most do not have waitig periods, yearly maximums, or other red tape that gets in between the doctor and patient relationship.
Not having to deal with an insurance company can actually be quite beneficial to a patient’s health. For one, there are no waiting periods. There have been many instances where an insurance company directed a patient to wait in order to treat their infection allowing it to go from bad to worse. Additionally, since everything is covered, treatment decisions can be made by the patient and the doctor without an insurance company choosing treatment without having any knowledge of the specific case. Finally, there are no financial surprises and a plan can be created that is clear and specific.