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Amberly Dental Blog

Are You Avoiding The Dentist Due To Lack Of Insurance?

December 18, 2015

Filed under: Blog,Insurance — tntadmin @ 9:34 pm

Are you avoiding the dentist due to lack of insurance?

A study from the Institute of Medicine shows that people who who do not have dental insurance are two thirds less likely to have visited a dentist in the last year than those who have dental insurance. This same study shows that most people are aware that oral health is closely related to overall health. After all, among other things, gum disease has a direct link to heart disease. So why do so many avoid going to the dentist?

Turns out cost is the most commonly cited reason for those that do not have dental insurance. An interesting statistic is that there is a direct correlation between length of time between dental visits and amount spent on dental care. That is, the less you go, the more it ends up costing. Of those people who desired to keep their teeth, the costs were less frequent. However, when they did come in, the costs were significantly higher. Turns out they were being seen less often but by the time they did go in due to pain or infection, the treatment was much more intensive, and costly.

Some dental offices across the country have found a solution to this all too common problem. They have taken matters into their own hands and decided to administer a private plan. This plan often times has a yearly or monthly rate that is less than corporate insurance plans. In addition most do not have waitig periods, yearly maximums, or other red tape that gets in between the doctor and patient relationship.

Not having to deal with an insurance company can actually be quite beneficial to a patient’s health. For one, there are no waiting periods. There have been many instances where an insurance company directed a patient to wait in order to treat their infection allowing it to go from bad to worse. Additionally, since everything is covered, treatment decisions can be made by the patient and the doctor without an insurance company choosing treatment without having any knowledge of the specific case. Finally, there are no financial surprises and a plan can be created that is clear and specific.

Tips to Avoid Plaque Build Up From the Preventive Dentist Waverly Families Rely On

November 11, 2015

Filed under: Blog,General dentistry — Tags: , , , — tntadmin @ 12:47 pm

Woman using mouth rinse to reduce plaque thanks to the dentist Waverly residents loveAvoiding plaque and tartar buildup is the main goal of at-home hygiene and regular dental appointments. Plaque is the cause of almost every oral health concern including tooth decay and gum disease. If you’ve had trouble keeping your smile plaque free, visit the dentist Waverly, NE families rely on for tips, tricks, and teeth cleanings to keep you smiling.

Proper Flossing Techniques from the Family Dentist Waverly, NE Trusts

October 10, 2015

man flossing thanks to tips from the dentist waverly residents preferIt’s the dreaded question. Your teeth are being cleaned, and you notice the hygienist is taking an awful long time flossing and picking at your teeth. That’s when it happens, “How often do you floss?” Too often the response is “not very often.” It’s more difficult to build a flossing habit because there’s no instant gratification. With tooth brushing, patients’ teeth feel immediately clean, their breath fresh. After flossing, teeth may look dirtier since the plaque and bacteria are pulled from between teeth, and the mouth can feel gritty after flossing. Worse, many patients experience irritated or bleeding gums for the first several weeks of flossing. The good news is that, when patients floss every day for one week, almost all of these complaints go away, and teeth begin to feel better. The challenge is forcing yourself to floss every day with irritated gums and little if any noticeable improvement in oral health. At Amberly Dental, we challenge you to floss every day for one month. We guarantee you’ll notice an improvement in your gums and overall smile health.

Proper Tooth Brushing Techniques from Your Dentist Waverly, NE

October 2, 2015

Woman brushing teeth while chatting on the phone. Visit the dentist Waverly, NE loves.Over the past several decades, a significant shift has occurred in the dental field. The focus of the field has moved from treating dental health concerns to preventing oral health issues. The advances in preventive dentistry, better and more affordable home care instruments, and more insurance providers covering preventive care 100%, allows more people than ever to retain healthy, natural smiles for life. At Amberly Dental in Waverley, we love having the opportunity to care for our patients at routine exams and cleanings, but typically, we only see your smile twice a year. That means that the most important preventive dentistry happens at home with daily brushing and flossing. Following a few basic tips or making minor changes to your brushing technique may significantly improve your oral health.

Top 3 Types of Food to Avoid for Whiter Teeth from Your Dentist in Waverly, NE

September 13, 2015

Woman with a beautiful smile and a grocery bag full of healthy foods for her teeth thanks to recommendations from the dentist waverly trustsYou’re unlikely to find one person who wishes their teeth were less white. As a skilled cosmetic dentistry practice, our Amberly Dental team offers a variety of professional teeth whitening options, and we’d be happy to help you enhance your smile’s natural beauty. However, for patients with minimal tooth discoloration, making minor dietary changes may be enough to deliver brighter smiles. You might have heard the term “mouth-body connect” before, so it will come as no surprise to you that many of the foods that are bad for teeth are bad for the whole body. Making healthier eating choices could result in a brighter smile and a healthier you.

In Order To Enjoy Maximum Oral Health, Your Brushing Technique Should Be On Point

August 25, 2015

Filed under: Blog,General dentistry — Tags: , , , , , — docvacek @ 2:01 pm

Maintaining good dental health requires that you practice good technique while brushing teeth..Your teeth need to be properly taken care of, and that includes maintaining great dental hygiene habits. If you are practicing not-so-good dental habits, you’re putting your oral health at risk. Brushing and flossing your teeth are two very important tasks. They help keep your mouth clean and fresh while also promoting great oral health. But, are you brushing correctly? How do you know if you are/aren’t? These are common questions that are asked at our Waverly, NE office whenever patients visit us during their regular checkups and cleanings.

The truth is, there is a right and wrong way to brushing teeth. Some patients don’t brush their teeth for nearly as long as they should or aren’t brushing each individual tooth. Whatever the case may be, we want you to know how to properly brush. Remember to floss, too! Dr. Vacek wants every one of his patients to live with excellent oral health, and properly brushing your teeth can help you achieve great oral health. When your oral health is in great shape, it usually means good things for your overall health, too. If you think you may not be brushing correctly or could use a few tips, we’ve got you covered. Dr. Vacek is the dentist Waverly, NE residents can trust.

Having no dental insurance is no problem with the Advantage Plan

July 13, 2015

Filed under: Blog,Insurance — Tags: , , , , , , , , — docvacek @ 2:50 pm

Advantage saves money on semi-annual cleanings, x-rays, and exams.People delay essential dental procedures such as exams, crowns, and gum disease therapy because they have no dental insurance. Dr. Tim Vacek of Amberly Dental offers an outstanding alternative called Advantage–the discount dental plan which give participants substantial savings on preventive and restorative services with no deductible or yearly maximum.

Are you retired or simply have no dental insurance? Have you postponed dental procedures because you can’t pay for them? Preventive dental care not only supports oral health but is important to systemic health, too. You can’t afford not to take care of your teeth and gums.

Why do humans only have one set of teeth?

December 15, 2014

Filed under: Blog — docvacek @ 3:44 pm

If we had teeth like reptiles and sharks we would have no need for the dentist! I was watching a show yesterday on evolution. It peaked my interest because they were talking about teeth. Reptiles and sharks have several sets of teeth so if one has a problem, no big deal, they’ll get a new one. Supposedly, we are higher up on the evolutionary chain – so why only 2 sets? Our “lifetime” teeth allow for a stable occlusion or bite. This precise occlusion enables precision eating and chewing which turns out, is much more efficient than gnawing and ripping. Since our ancestors could digest so efficiently, they had much more time for hunting. Hey, I’m glad we have more time to hunt! However, I’m sure there are many people out there who would prefer shark teeth. No matter which way you look at it, evolution has decided that we’re stuck with our teeth for the rest of our life.

“One visit crown? That’s impossible!”

February 24, 2014

Filed under: Blog — docvacek @ 1:50 pm

The title of this article came from something one of my patients said to me.  From what I collected, the conversation went something like this:

Patient: “Yeah, my dentist told me I need a crown.  It’s my first one.  He said the tooth would be good as new when I left the office.”

Co-worker:”Ohhhh no, you’ll be wearing a temporary when you leave.  Trust me I’ve had many.  They’re awful.  They don’t fit right, they’re rough, and half the time it comes off before your next appointment.”

Patient: “There are two appointments?!”

Co-worker: “Yep, you have to take off work twice, go in twice, get numb twice.  Good luck!”

Patient: “I’m pretty sure he told me it would only be one visit.”

Co-worker: “Dental crown in one visit? That’s impossible!”

Being submerged in dentistry every day, I occasionally forget that most people do not really care about, or much less, keep up on, dental technology.  This article is meant to explain one of the most revolutionary technologies in dentistry today, CAD-CAM restorations.  CAD-CAM stands for “Computer Aided Design-Computer Aided Manufacture” and is used to make and design almost any product these days.


How is this type of crown different from the one’s I used to get?  In the past, many crowns were made with metal, either full gold or a metal core with a porcelain shell.  A revolutionary material called lithium disilicate allows us to make a crown entirely out of porcelain.  Studies show that if done properly, it’s actually less prone to breaking than the older white crowns because its one solid material rather than a thin layer of porcelain placed on top of metal.Is it possible to have a crown done in one day?  Yes, in fact we do it every day at Amberly Dental.

Do they last? Studies show that these crowns will last every bit as long, if not longer than, the previous types of crowns.  I personally see a better fit with this type of crown then I did from the ones I ordered from a lab.  Also, it’s important to note that the dentist can evaluate everything immediately.   This means that improvements to the design of the crown can be done and assessed chairside.  This immediate feedback has proven invaluable to creating the best crown possible.

Overall, I admit that I’m a bit of a “nerd” when it comes to this stuff but I absolutely love it.  I’m truly excited for this and other technologies that will change the way we do dentistry forever.  In the end, who doesn’t want to spend LESS time in the dental office?

Top 5 Threats To Your Teeth – Avoiding The Dentist

October 10, 2013

This post is the first in a series that addresses common threats to your teeth.  The first is obvious but important nonetheless.  Unfortunately, for varied reasons, many people avoid the dentist.    Generally these reasons are fear, time, and finances. I definitely understand this; I too do not “enjoy” having dental work done.  However, the irony of this scenario is that eventually problems will arise and when they do the treatment will be more difficult, take longer, and cost more.   A sign of a good dentist is one that attempts to maintain routine 6 month appointments, not to bug you or ensure office profits, but because they care about you.  Truth is the longer a person waits the larger and more expensive the treatment is.  This is an easy fix, before you leave your dental appointment, make the next appointment and keep it!

A good modern dental office will also address the most common issues related to avoiding the dentist.  At Amberly Dental in Waverly, NE for instance, we have a calm, comfortable environment including nitrous oxide and TV’s on the ceiling to take your mind off the work.  In addition, we pride ourselves on being efficient and on time.  Our entire staff becomes uncomfortable if someone has to wait over 5 minutes.   If you routinely wait for dental appointments it’s not acceptable in this day and age.   Here’s a quick tip if you hate waiting like I do, schedule appointments first thing in the morning or first thing after lunch.  There’s little chance of running late at these times.   Finally, cost is always a factor.   At Amberly Dental we, like most modern offices, have various forms of financing to make it easier.   If nothing else, please remember waiting until it hurts is always a losing scenerio.   To sum things up, my father-in-law, a recent convert to regular dental appointments, made this comment that says it all, “This 6 month thing is great.  I should have been doing it years ago.”

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