Many patients have a loose or ill-fitting denture, and they just assume this is the norm. When you receive a high quality denture, it should fit well without slipping and sliding. If your denture is loose, you don’t have to accept this as just a fact of life. It’s time to visit a skilled dentist to discuss ways to improve the fit and function of your denture. Today, an experienced dentistry expert can create light weight dentures that look and feel much more like your healthy, natural smile.
What if My Denture is Loose?
May 16, 2018
Dental Insurance for the New Year
December 4, 2017
According to a study conducted by a major dental insurance provider, concerns about the cost of treatment are the main reasons patients miss out on their necessary dental care. Even those with dental insurance often believed there would be unexpected out of pocket costs beyond what they could afford. If you’ve been putting off routine dental care because you’re worried about the cost, keep reading to learn how dental insurance works, and how you can make sure there are no surprise costs associated with your dental care.
One More Reason to Consider Dental Implants in Waverly NE
July 20, 2016
Are you considering dental implants in Waverly NE for your upcoming tooth replacement? If so, we’ve got a great reason to go for it. Dr. Timothy Vacek at Amberly Dental performs the entire procedure, from the implantation to the restoration of dental implants, all under one roof. Because there’s no need to shuffle between an oral surgeon and your implant dentist to enjoy the benefits of a complete smile.
We can’t wait to show you our new office!
January 8, 2016
We’ve got some good news, just in time for the new year. As convenient as it is having a Subway sandwich shop right next door, Amberly Dental is ready to move on to bigger and better places. As your e’ve already helped so many people in our community achieve excellent oral health, but we know we could do a lot more in a bigger office — and that’s why we’re busy constructing a new, state-of-the-art practice here in Waverly. We expect to make the move in July of this year, and we can’t wait for you to see it!
Your Smile Can Benefit From Our $25 Advantage Plan!
December 30, 2015

Last month, we talked to you about how not having dental insurance can affect your oral health. (Read that blog in a new window here.) With that fresh on our minds, we thought it would be a good time to share the good news about our Advantage Plan — the better-than-insurance option that provides patients like you with preventive care for just $25 a month. That’s right, you can receive excellent dental care from your dentist in Waverly, NE without spending a small fortune. We think that’s news just about anybody can get excited about. Keep reading to learn more, right in time for the New Year!